
What is meant by a 401-k plan.

San Jarvis India September 27, 2021
  401 (k) Plan is a tax-preferred, defined contribution retirement account offered by many employers to their employees. It is named after a...Read More

What is meant by the 401(a) Plan?

San Jarvis India September 27, 2021
401 (a) Plan is an employer-funded retirement plan that provides dollar or percentage contributions from the employer, the employee, or both...Read More

What is meant by a 12b-1 plan.

San Jarvis India September 27, 2021
1 2B-1 plan is a plan structured by mutual fund companies for distributing funds through intermediaries. Plans 12B-1 pro...Read More

What is meant by a 12b-1 fund.

San Jarvis India September 27, 2021
  12b-1 fund is a mutual fund that charges its owners a 12b-1 fee. A 12b-1 fee covers the costs of distributing and marketing a mutual fund....Read More
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