
Lombard finance | Lombard finance Australia and the whole details

Lombard offers consumer finance options for household and lifestyle purchases through retail outlets and third party distribution channels (Lombard retailers).
Lombard is provided by Flexicards Australia Pty Ltd ABN 31 099 651 877 and Australian Credit Licence number 247 415 (Lombard) is an alternative payment solution for Australian households. Lombard offers two main products – the Lombard 180 card and the Lombard 55 card (Lombard cards). Lombard offers a simple| innovative and straightforward way to finance your lifestyle with attractive Interest Free terms.

Lombard Founder:

Lombard is part of the ASX listed FlexiGroup Limited Group.

Lombard Establishment:



Contact & Customer Support:

1300 132 301 for General Inquiries| business support (AEST)
+61 2 9978 7500 for overseas customers.

Mon – Fri 9:00am to 9:00pm
Sat – Sun 9:00am to 5:00pm


Level 7| 179 Elizabeth Street| Sydney| NSW 2000.

Postal Address: Locked Bag 5005| Royal Exchange| Sydney NSW 1225


55   as on  2019


11 Million   as on 2019


Lombard Products:

How Lombard works:

Buy (Buy now and pay overtime with Interest Free terms)

Save (Save with Interest Free finance)

Manage (Manage your repayments with Direct Debit)

Benefits of using Lombard:

·         You don’t need cash upfront.

·         Lombard 180 card gives you 6 months Interest Free on every card purchase of $250 or more and up to 55 days Interest Free on any purchase under $250.

·         Lombard 55 card gives you 55 days Interest Free on card purchases.

·         You can use your Lombard card everywhere that Visa is accepted.

·         Through the network of Lombard retailers| you can access even more attractive Interest Free terms when you use your Lombard card.

Lombard card Usages & acceptability:

Lombard card anywhere Visa is accepted at tens of millions of locations worldwide - online and offline. Plus do access the network of Lombard retailers for really great offers and even more generous Interest Free terms.


  • Apply direct online| in store or over the phone via a Lombard retailer.

  • Use your Lombard card anywhere and everywhere that Visa is accepted.

  • Pay back the amount in full within the Interest Free Term and you won’t pay a cent of interest.

Lombard Retailers:

Though lots of retailers are existing world-wide but here exhibit some remarkable retailers-
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